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Return Policy

Order Changes

In the event that you need to increaseor decrease the quantity of their order, you must provide notificationto our Customer Service no later than 11:00 AM on a working day priorto the scheduled delivery date.


Confirmation of the order change will besent via WhatsApp at 62908171 or email: customerservice@sklfcproduce.com, and thisconfirmation will be considered final.


If notification is not received by theaforementioned deadline, the following policies will apply:

-         For cancellations or reductionsin order quantity, the customer will receive a refund of half the originalpurchase price for the fruit;

-         Refunds are not availablefor Cut Fruits or Hampers.


In the event that you need to changethe delivery date or address, you must provide notification to our CustomerService no later than 11:00 AM on a working day prior to the scheduleddelivery date.


Confirmation of the order change will besent via WhatsApp at 62908171 or email: customerservice@sklfcproduce.com, and thisconfirmation will be considered final.


If notification is not received by theaforementioned deadline, the following policies will apply:

-         A surcharge of 50 HKD peritem will be assessed for changes to the delivery date or address for fruitorders;

-         Refunds are not availablefor Cut Fruits or Hampers, and you will need to place a new order;

-         A surcharge of 200 HKD willbe assessed for last-minute changes to the delivery address;

-         If the scheduled delivery dateis impacted by unforeseen circumstances such as a typhoon signal no. 8 or agovernment-mandated work stoppage, no additional fees will be assessed.


Quality Issues

If you need to return or request a refundfor your order due to quality issues, you must provide notification to our CustomerService on the day of delivery along with relevant photographs to facilitateprocessing.


FRUTTIBOZ reserves the right to amend the ReturnPolicy at any time without prior notice. All interpretations of these Terms andConditions shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of FRUTTIBOZ, and incase of any dispute, the decision of FRUTTIBOZ shall be final.